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All Our Speakers

We have gathered top musical figures to speak at our events.

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Helmut Herglotz
Henry Ladewig
Heri Shin
Hyeri Shin
Holger Volland
Frankfurt Book Fair
Holly Herndon
Holm Keller
kENUP Foundation
Hyung-Ki Joo
Music Traveler
Ian Penman
Ian Penman is an Entertainment and Media lawyer in Soho, London, who also serves on the boards of several entertainment and technology companies. Ian is one of the founders of New Media Law LLP in Soho, which began in 2001. Prior to that Ian spent 7 years in Intellectual Property at DLA Piper, one of the world’s largest commercial law firms. Ian’s practice spans all elements of the copyright industries, with a particular focus on music, film and technology. Ian co-founded the SAAS business, Synchtank, in 2010. Prior to being a lawyer, Ian had a previous career in music, playing keyboards in rock bands and producing records, before moving into artist management and eventually the law.
Ilya Tolchenov
Ilya Tolchenov, CEO and co-founder at Delphos Music, is a composer, singer, mathematician and educator. Ilya has been building scalable and generative music tech for almost a decade and is an authority on working with symbolic music data. Together with a team of music professionals and tech innovators, Ilya is building Delphos - the composition copilot for professional music. It is a solution that allows a single musician to train a fully functional music generation model using exclusively their own music. Ilya's primary areas of research in this field relate to music data extraction and scalable composition techniques with AI.
Isabelle Fröhlich
Volkswagen AG
Ivan Rektor
Dr. Ivan Rektor is a Professor at Masaryk University in Brno/Czechia and leads the Movement Disorders Centre and the Neuroscience Centre at CEITEC (Central European Institute of Technology). He also coordinates the Brain and Mind Research Program and heads the Multimodal and Functional Imaging Research Group.
Educated at the University of Brno, Dr. Rektor has extensively researched movement disorders, epilepsy, and cognitive neurophysiology, including work on a baboon myoclonus in France and intracerebral recordings in Paris. He chaired the Neurology Department at Masaryk University from 1992 to 2012 and served as vice-rector from 2006 to 2011.
A founding member of the Czech Medical Academy and editor-in-chief of 'Neurologie pro praxi', Dr. Rektor is also on several editorial boards. He has organized numerous neurology and epilepsy conferences and courses across Europe and Asia. A member of various neurological societies, he chaired the Danube Symposium for Neurological Sciences and was President of the European Society for Clinical Neuropharmacology. Awarded for his contributions to epileptology, he chaired the European Congress in Clinical Neurophysiology in Brno in 2015.
Izabella Kaminska
The Blind Spot
Jakub Fiebig
James Cauwelier
James McAulay
Encore Technologies
Jan Hiesserich
Jan Hiesserich is Head of Strategy Europe at the US software specialist Palantir Technologies. Previously, he was Head of CEO Reputation & Strategic Positioning at SAP SE. As Managing Director of the leading strategy consultancy FGS Global, he accompanied numerous acquisitions and mergers as well as board changes, including in the DAX40, between 2006 and 2019. He is the co-author of the book “From artificial to augmented intelligence – what we can learn from art to create the future with software” (Campus 2023; book available in German only) and author of two further books on CEO reputation (“Der CEO im Fokus”, Campus 2013, “Der CEO-Navigator”, Campus 2011). Following work assignments in the USA, England and Spain, he now works and lives in Frankfurt.
Jana Posth
Phase 7
Janet Rafner
Janet Rafner is a postdoctoral researcher at Aarhus University, Dept. of Linguistics, Cognitive Science and Semiotics and the Center for Hybrid Intelligence and affiliated with the Interacting Minds Center and the Center for Aesthetics of AI Images. She holds a PhD in Information Communication Technology (2022) and her current research focuses on citizen science, participatory futures, psychometric creativity assessment, computational co-creativity, and human-AI interaction. She is a Salzburg Global fellow and formerly a US Fulbright Fellow.
Jeff Burton
Woodside Creek Ventures
Jens Feldhaus
Jens Feldhaus is the senior sound engineer at the VW Group Innovation in Wolfsburg, Germany. He works on concepts and designs of future in-car infotainment systems as part of an interdisciplinary team, looking into the hardware and software of audio systems in car cabins. The understanding of the passengers' personal perception and interaction with sound is a main part of his work.