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Jan Hiesserich

Executive Vice President Strategy & Communications @ Palantir
Jan Hiesserich is Head of Strategy Europe at the US software specialist Palantir Technologies. Previously, he was Head of CEO Reputation & Strategic Positioning at SAP SE. As Managing Director of the leading strategy consultancy FGS Global, he accompanied numerous acquisitions and mergers as well as board changes, including in the DAX40, between 2006 and 2019. He is the co-author of the book “From artificial to augmented intelligence – what we can learn from art to create the future with software” (Campus 2023; book available in German only) and author of two further books on CEO reputation (“Der CEO im Fokus”, Campus 2013, “Der CEO-Navigator”, Campus 2011). Following work assignments in the USA, England and Spain, he now works and lives in Frankfurt.

Jan Hiesserich

was featured at the following conference
