Tina Lorenz
State Theater Augsburg
Tina Lorenz came of age in a galactic society of hackers, but went on to study Drama and American Literature in Vienna and Munich. She has worked in the past as lecturer for theatre history at the Bavarian Academy for Performing Arts, as dramaturge at the Landestheater Oberpfalz and as specialist for digital communication at the State Theatre of Nuremberg. She is a founding member of two hackspaces (labs for technology enthusiasts), the metalab Vienna and the Binary Kitchen Regensburg and is part of the jury at the Dortmund Academy for Theatre and Digitality, awarding fellowships to promising artists in the field of performing arts and digital media. Since 2020, she is the Head of Digital Theatre at the State Theatre of Augsburg.

Tina Lorenz
was featured at the following conference

March 7th 2024
Karajan Music Tech
Re-live the 2023 Karajan Music Tech conference and the fantastic speakers that came to give their talks on generative music AI