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All Our Speakers

We have gathered top musical figures to speak at our events.

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Annina Zwettler
Antoine Leboyer
Antoine Leboyer is the Managing Director of the Munich Technical University Venture Lab for Software and Artificial Intelligence which supports over a hundred university-led startups. Following various positions in the technology sector, he was from 2008 to 2020 President and CEO of the Swiss software group GSX until its acquisition by Martello Technology.
He has served as board member of various software companies worldwide as well as Geneva’s Liberal Synagogue. He currently sits on the board of Munich based Hyperganic. He holds an engineering degree from France's Central-Supélec and an MBA from Harvard Business School. He co-wrote “Building Routes to Customers” and is the producer of the TUM Venture Lab podcast “Entrepreneurial Realities" which has received countless VCs, founders, and members of the Academic world.
He is also a reviewer for ConcertoNet and Seen and Heard International, two leading classical music magazines. He first attended the Salzburg Festival in 1981 where he heard Herbert von Karajan conducts Bruckner’s Te Deum and has regularly visited the festival since. Antoine and his wife Margot, a Mozarteum alumni and a professional Soprano, have two children.
Arne Bathke
Born in Hamburg, grew up in Northern Germany and Norway. Studied mathematics in Göttingen, spent study time abroad in Italy and the USA, doctoral degree in 2000. Afterwards, statistics professor at the University of Kentucky, where he was also inaugural director of the Applied Statistics Laboratory, a comprehensive statistics consulting facility on campus. Since 2012 statistics professor at the University of Salzburg where he has also been elected to different administrative positions (Dean since 2015). Among other initiatives, first Data Science MSc program at an Austrian university (2016) and MINT:labs (2018) where school children can experience MINT (=STEM) topics in hands-on workshops at the university. Arne Bathke’s research deals with developing and evaluating new statistical methods, and he has given numerous invited talks, lectures and workshops on five continents. On the other hand, he is also interested in the application and improvement of statistical procedures in interdisciplinary cooperations with colleagues from other fields, from medicine, biology, and ecology to education and economics, as well as in the Austrian Future Operations Platform. About half of his more than 100 publications in international journals result from such cooperation projects. Among other awards, named “Henry Clay Ambassador” by the Mayor of Lexington (Kentucky) for his civil engagement, and two university-wide awards for excellence in teaching and advising. Recently elected into the European Academy of the Sciences and the Arts. Has been President of the International Biometric Society - Region Österreich-Schweiz (IBS-ROeS), is on the board of the Austrian Statistical Association (ÖSG), Editor-in-Chief of Biometrical Journal, the flagship journal of the International Biometric Society Regions Germany, Austria-Switzerland, and Italy, on the editorial board of three other international statistics journals (International Journal of Biostatistics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, The American Statistician). Organizer of an annual Biostatistics Summer School, has organized and co-organized several meetings, workshops, and conferences.
Arne Dietrich
Dr. Dietrich is Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology at the American University of Beirut, in Lebanon. He is a cognitive neuroscientist and his work focuses on the neural basis of (1) creativity and flow, (2) psychological changes induced by physical exercise, and (3) altered states of consciousness.
He is most known for the transient hypofrontality theory (THT), the dismantling of neuroimaging studies of creativity, as well as evolution and prediction models of creative thinking. He is the author of two books (‘Introduction to Consciousness’ and ‘How Creativity Happens in the Brain’) and over 60 scientific articles. Arne Dietrich has given a large number invited talks and keynote addresses around the world and his work has been featured prominently in the international press, including the BBC, CNN, Guardian, New York Times, Scientific American, Times, The Atlantic, and National Geographic.
Google Scholar: []
Astrid Exner
WUK Werkstätten- und Kulturhaus
Aurelia Azoulay
Aurora Mendez
Aurora is a classical violinist and educator who is dedicated to bridging the gap between classical musicians and Web3 by providing educational resources, hosting "NFTs in Classical Music," and advising/onboarding musicians and orchestras who are eager to enter the space. Currently, Aurora is a member of the New Haven Symphony Orchestra, Apex Ensemble, and the Latin Orchestra of Europe.
Baher Al Hakim
Baher is a technologist and a serial entrepreneur, he's currently the founder and CEO of Medicus AI, a digital health company based in Vienna. He's also part of the NFTunes collective with a focus on audio-visual NFTs such as MozartBeats and organizing local NFT events and activities. Baher is working on forming a local DAO in Vienna to bring local artists together in a mission to foster and promote local NFT art.
Bas Grasmayer
Beatie Wolfe
Benita von Maltzahn
Volkswagen AG
Bettina Zerza
Billy Andrews
The Dark Tenor
Charlie Rapino
Charlie Rapino is a seasoned music industry professional with a diverse range of expertise. Currently serving as the Vice President of A&R International and Communication at Artist First, a 360° degrees company which is also Italy's biggest independent, Charlie also holds the position of Vice President of Relations for the Swiss-based WEB3Music Association. With a wealth of experience, Charlie has been appointed as a Non-Executive Board Advisor to the Wrm Fund and serves as a music industry consultant to the Ridley Scott Creative Group, notably contributing to the acclaimed Robbie Williams Netflix series.
Renowned for his groundbreaking work as an A&R executive and independent record producer, Charlie with his business partner Marco Sabiu played a pivotal role in launching Take That to stardom and has contributed to numerous world-wide pop hits during the vibrant music scene of the 90s. Having held executive positions at major players such as Sony Music International and Decca Records, Charlie's expertise extends across various facets of the industry. He has also provided advisory services to esteemed figures such as the legendary maestro Ennio Morricone.
Chelsea Turowsky
Cherie Hu
Christian Czychowski
Boehmert & Boehmert
Christian Lorenz
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Christian Sander
Dear Reality GmbH
Christine Bauer
Christine Bauer holds the position of EXDIGIT Professor of Interactive Intelligent Systems at the Department of Artificial Intelligence and Human Interfaces at Paris Lodron University Salzburg, Austria.
Her research is primarily focused on the study of interactive intelligent systems. This involves an integration of intelligent technology research, the exploration of human interactions with these systems, and their interplay. Adopting a human-centered computing perspective, her work prioritizes addressing the needs of humans and society through technology. Context and context-adaptivity are central themes in her research.
Christine's recent work has been particularly concentrated on context-aware recommender systems, with a special emphasis on applications in the music industry. Her research also delves into the fairness of algorithmic decision-making and employs multi-method approaches for evaluation.
She co-organizes the “Perspectives on the Evaluation of Recommender Systems (PERSPECTIVES)” workshop series. Committed to promoting equality, Christine actively participates in initiatives like Women in Music Information Retrieval and the Allyship program at CHI.